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Where are we all playing from
know I shouldn't but i'm really curious so here i go.
I would like to know where each of us is from and where we play from
i ll start
I'm French and am currently living in the United Arab Emirates, just South east of Saoudi Arabia
Puerto Rican, I play from my laptop in my room in Puerto Rico which is just in the Caribbean sout hof Florida and the Bahamas and stuff. I speak both English and Spanish fluently and I'm learning Japanese. Oh, took french classes. That should be enough to give you a bit of background info about from where I am.
is not that hard... just a lot of wrapping your head around new ways of speaking... dropping the whole S.V.O sentence structure , more abstract references to people and stuff and really just looking for things to do with japanese other than games and anime lol... thats the hard stuff lol
the13ghost how do you say or... spell moldy hooker in japanese?
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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I'm from southern California USA. But just recently moved up to Seattle Washington. So now I play from Seattle in my room. Josh this is moldy hooker. かびくさいフッカー I think its more like moldy whore/prostitute. but yeah good luck trying to find out how to pronounce that
actually its this


What u told me was musty hooker
Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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