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[Art]Quick Perspective Sketch.
Yes, I know the middle building windows are messed up, some of the roofs are, but this is done in nothing but pen. I couldn't erase, etc.

So, without further Ado.

I'm going to do it on a larger canvas; with the right angles and such.


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the skyscraper might make quite a cool 3 point perspective, 1 point even, if you do it right.
otherwise theres some pretty difficult for measurments for perspectives.
I would go learn how to do a proper constructed 1 or 2 point befor freehanding it.

the vanishing points youre using are pretty severe, would need a pretty nifty camera to get the effect IRL

None of your windows reflect the vanishing points, nor do any of the roofs.

anyway, perspectives are pretty difficult to freehand even if you have learnt them.

nice attempt, i guess.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Yea, Shading and such will be added next class, on the final product, I'll be sure to keep it updated.

And thanks.
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The base angle of the skyscraper is more obtuse than the top one that makes a "v" shape, making the skyscraper look very awkward.
Bend in the street is lop-sided.
Super Market stripe thing isn't isn't parallel to the road.
Windows show no attempt of perspective. Did you use a straight edge?
This is pretty bad
Last edited by MastrRoshi; Sep 8, 2011 at 01:54 AM.
I'm tor1g0d
Actually, the skyscraper has a pyramid roof.

Also; It's a sketch, I did use a straight edge.
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draw a light perspective grid. It helps to make realistic proportion.. the fence at the roadside is a disaster for the rest i agree with bendover and mastroshi.

Not bad.