Originally Posted by Master5000 View Post
I do not know any French player

why there are three 4 french clan!
Last edited by kellerak; May 6, 2011 at 10:32 AM.
French speaking community has gathered itself for the past two years on the forum Toribash-FR and put up a referential website about Toribash.

This forum even allows to go further than "regular" unibash and hosts events specially designed for french speaking community. (Atm you can check out the second yearly edition of La Coupe Malmoth, a sp event with about 1 million TCs prizes to be shared between the participants.)

I had already posted in this section in the past, but I guess it disapeared with last year's hack.
Please staff, try to indicate the link to our forum in a clear way or a post-it so french speaking players can find us.


La communauté francophone s'est rassemblée pendant les deux dernières années sur le forum Toribash-FR et a mis en place un site référentiel concernant Toribash.

Ce forum permet d'aller plus loin que les unibashs "classiques" et héberge des évènements et concours proposés exclusivement à la communauté francophone. (A l'heure où j'écris ces lignes vous pouvez jeter un coup d'oeil à la seconde édition annuelle de La Coupe Malmoth, un concours SP avec à la clé des prix pour une valeur d'un million de TCs à être partagés entre les participants.)

J'avais déjà posté dans cette section par le passé, j'imagine que mon post a disparu lors du hack de l'année dernière.
SVP membres du staff, essayez de maintenir un lien à jour vers notre forum afin que la communauté francophone puisse se retrouver plus facilement.

PS: If you need help to translate some messages to French, just PM me.
Last edited by Kyat; May 11, 2011 at 05:21 PM.
[FROG] - [Toribash-FR] - [OLDA] - \m/
Français, english: Click
Good idea Kyat and if you dosen't know any french /jo fr (it is the command to join the french room) if you want to know french pepple this room it isn't always connected but sometimes in week but more frequently at the week-end. We spend also our time on tourney rooms.
Last edited by matieu; May 14, 2011 at 10:44 PM.
You are not authorized to establish a dutch university, but we will discuss this.
Oldschool / M5k / Contact KiTFoX
I'm back
There aren't bulgarian clans we are the small group in TB we are 20-40 players ...