assasin: yea i lost in final against chicken
Xneosjr: i dont agree, prize is 10k from clan bank to clan bank
Proud leader of KiLa, an official clan.
R.I.P. Boris
IM HERE WAW.(I say another ''wow'' not world at war.....i say world at war okay....)
Post me on the demon list im in
Neos,we must win
3 random items!!!3 for me neos,and of other demons play or only 1 item for 3 random guys?
Last edited by recon5; Jul 15, 2010 at 02:46 PM. Reason: 3 items and that cost more than 5k?Y4Y
Nyan cat rocks!
i meant neos, yo should post the names of your fighters
ill add recon5
Proud leader of KiLa, an official clan.
R.I.P. Boris