ES Recruitment Drive
My name is Demoniz3r, Real name is Cunt. I'm from FUCKING MERICA (East Coast) I haven't been active on toribash for a few weeks beacause of school.But i main abd and mushu I FUCKING LOVE KITTENS!!!! Maybe more than vipercat :O. Besides toribash i love to play basketball i don't know personally many clan members of Vanir but the ones i have met seem like chill people Fluffy Melodi even shayne seemed like a cool person (i'm aware hes no longer a member) I want to join because of the vibes i get off most of the players in the clan. I've been in only one clan before and that's satire.I left a while ago because of inactive players i know this isn't much of an excuse for leaving a clan but i knew i wasn't gonna be around much so i didn't wish to burden them with even more inactive players
~ Ya Daddy

Demoiz3r: Thank you for editing your post, much better. I've had the chance to see just how you play and i think you have a lot of potential and viper thinks you have what it takes. on a side note, you seem like a cool dood and im glad you'll be joining us

u wan sum fok?
JJmaster13,i love to play rk-mma and i love to draw i like cooperating with people helping others out and having fun. oh yeah im from pure. "i love cats"
Last edited by JJMASTER13; Jul 22, 2017 at 02:29 AM.
hi my name is Ti0k1llu4,real name pedro. I am Brazilian, I already had 2 clans, lucid Cla and ProjectK I really like games but mainly toribash I love music I intend to learn to play some instrument in the future i have two cats and one dog I still do not speak English fluent but I understand a lot, I write bad English, I know a few acronyms I'm using google translator xD.