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Logo That I Made for Volt

Need to find out if he will pay me otherwise ima sell it as Art.

The Programs I used to create this was Adobe Photoshop and
Last edited by Jinx; Mar 1, 2018 at 08:32 PM.
Graphic Artist - Request Art
Look nice, but the random bit on the edge seems a bit weird to me. What is that supposed to be actually?
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by Nike View Post
Look nice, but the random bit on the edge seems a bit weird to me. What is that supposed to be actually?

Looking closely, its a scaled up version of the "volt" text peeking out underneath the main bit.

Looks sort of strange, perhaps try to remove the volt from the outer circle?
Originally Posted by Deridor View Post
Looking closely, its a scaled up version of the "volt" text peeking out underneath the main bit.

Looks sort of strange, perhaps try to remove the volt from the outer circle?

You dont need to look closely for that and it was my intention for it to do that
Graphic Artist - Request Art
I'm not sure about the circle in general, the rest of the logo looks rough but the circle looks sharp and clean so it doesn't fit in

I'd use a rough shape instead
break the meta and not do a circular logo

you should add the glow to all of the strands of electricity. you could make it dynamic by having a dim glow on the small thin ones. otherwise they just look like cracks in the logo. add life to em

if youre keeping the outer circle, try blurring the magnefied logo part. this can add some depth and get the effect youre after

also also i just noticed the shadow of the logo at the top got cutoff. thats probably a render error that you could easily fix
Last edited by Tsuion; Mar 6, 2018 at 01:28 PM.
tsu tsu cuckoo
p cool, still feels too overdecorated for me. i suggest making the circle surrounding it a little bit more invisible. maybe 50%?