Originally Posted by Micah View Post
Thats a large read but from what i just read, you dont seem to take into consideration that with the legalization of marijuana comes regulations for it. Not just go down to the store and buy a join, thats not how it works. For example, Amsterdam. Shoddy can tell you, coffeeshops and such are not allowed to sell marijuana as you are not allowed to smoke it in un desgiznated public places. Marijuana, at one point was already legal through out the united States, making it legal again would cause a lot less problems that most people undersrand. Smelling marijuana driving down the roD is much different from smoking it. If you are driving and you pass through a cloud of marijuana smoke youre nit going to get high, common sense and basic understanding of wind and air movement should explain that for itself. I have been soking weed for years now, my grNdfather has been all his life, 68 years old and still going strong. If we look at even the most prevelant weed smokers we can see that only in very very rare cases, do any of the develop any sort of health issue from smoking marijuana. You really dont understand how easy it is to buy weed on the street. The united states have spent billions of dollars, around 25 billion to be exact, to keep marijuana and other drugs being imported into the country. They reported that they were able to obtain .00003% of all drugs imported with 25 BILLION dollars. Now tell me the legalization of marijuana wouldnt help the economy.

Let people smoke weed chill out and stop killing each other. No one trusts the American government anymore not after water gate. But if you really think the legalization of weed can hurt the country more than trump can well shit in stead of marijuana, I might as well go choke on some nuclear radiation for some R & R

(Sent from phone not fixing typos i keep fat fingering)
Tl dr weed is good. if you don't think so youre probably a conservative who thinks if they turn around fast enough, theyll be able to catch a glimpse of the void.

Besides my view on drugs, I'd consider myself to be quite liberal, but that's besides the point.

Granted, you won't incur much risk from one off exposure, but what about children who grow up in households where weed is smoked regularly? They will be exposed to secondhand smoke regularly, and although you won't get high from inhaling the smoke, there are still risks, much like with secondhand cigarette smoke.

Okay, maybe you can't just go down to a cornershop and buy a twenty pack of joints, but it is still easier to source. I personally, sheltered little bitch that I am, have no clue where I would get weed. I don't know anyone who smokes the stuff, so I have no clue where to get it. If it were sold legally, not matter how regulated, you could still get it easier.

It is not valid to say "My granddad has smoked weed for over 50 years, and is not dead, therefore weed is not unhealthy." Not everyone who smokes it will develop bronchitis, stroke, cancer, mental health issues etc. Enough will for it to be a health risk.

When I say that legalising cannabis is probably not that great for the economy, I'm mostly talking about the UK economy, as that is where I live. It could potentially benefit the US economy due to the private healthcare system, but to be honest, I'd recommend a better healthcare system, since the poor are essentially left to die if they cannot afford health insurance.