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+TC/Games problem
NO TC AND GAMES i have a booster for 100tc and i dont get em for my victory works only on official servers. Can u fix that? i played like 800 games and only 150 counted
Something's wrong with the custom servers, sometimes they dont count the wins or losses.

Also as i see, 800 wins, hmm that would be probably farming, and when you farm, you wont get QI or TC for it.
If you play against your own ip or if you end your turn too fast, you wont gain QI or TC even if its written that you do.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

if you end your turn too fast, you wont gain QI or TC even if its written that you do.

Oh didnt knew that :[ btw. when its going to be fixed coz im planing to order instaboost but i dont want to risk my money while this bag is progressing
If you are in a private server, you need to increase the number of Turnframes. This is the new rule to avoid farming etc... also, as Slipanc said, maybe there's a bug.

Anyway, 800 wins in a day?
Classic judo wushu or tk standart frames gravity and ive got ~800 games for the last week and only like 150 counted
800 games =/= 800 wins . There's a slight difference.
I'm pretty sure you know it but you earn 100 tc (with the Toribooster) per win and not per game.

Anyway, as stated previously, maybe you had a too low number of turnframe.