Original Post
[UFC] Grayve's Aikido Classes

Hey fellows... It took a while but I finally decided to do my job. Welcome to my aikido class!
We'll have 2 classes at week! One more theorical and the other one pure practice!

Tuesday - 18:00 GMT - Theory
Friday - 21:00 GMT - Practice

Of course I won't just keep talking when giving theory, because, without practice, there's no theory and vice-versa.

If you can't get in any of these classes, send me a PM, and we'll mark a private class.
If you wanna be a student, please fill out this application:

How long have you been practicing aikido:
What, in your opinion, is your aikido skill level? (1~15):
What you wish to lear most:

Of course you'll be accepted anyway, but just that I can at least see what, when and how I need to teach each one of you.

To check your progress, I'll apply a monthly test, and as prize, the one that IMPROVE most, will get a special prize.

Events, such as tourneys will be hosted by me aswell, and students will have prioritie and bigger prizes.
Any comments, suggestions, critisism and anything usefull are welcome.
Last edited by GrayveXP; Jul 6, 2010 at 10:48 PM.

yeah good job man
When you get caught masturbating, look the person in the eyes and finish like a beast.
Before I get ranked up, I would be glad to have my name on the member list ¬¬

lol... No students yet T.T

I'd like to teach along with you Grayve.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee

Heh... Cool.

Guys, class is starting in 1 hour, if anyone wanna join. Room will be UFClass

How long have you been practicing aikido: 3 months
What, in your opinion, is your aikido skill level? (1~15): 7
What you wish to lear most: shovel...just kidding.well,turnover
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Also, when will you guy's go to the teacher's sign up and render your verdict on my application. Lotta inactivity around here it seems.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee

Verri was the only who appeared in the class. He wasn't even a student T.T Now he is, wellcome.

Glad, you're in UFC?

kng, yeah. We need members to teach O.O
