Original Post
Demon Force - 60k
Demon Gradients - 15k
Demon Torso - 5k
Unpacked Marine Pack - 1k
Toxic Grip - 400tc
Toxic Relax - 1.8k
Typhon Force - 1.4k
Typhon Torso - 200tc
Typhon User Text - 100tc
Uke Hair - 1k[/COLOR]
Last edited by counter; May 25, 2019 at 05:42 PM.
10k for flame?
Edit: Sending, 1,000tc for "Punkspike R"
Last edited by Hoka; May 25, 2019 at 04:36 AM.
I love to drink Hoka-Cola while I do the Hoka-Poka
290k for full 512 including ground
Driving through hell, and I done brought snow.
You've successfully sent 10000 ToriCredits to counter.
Apologies for taking awhile to send tc

toxic relax for 1k?
I love to drink Hoka-Cola while I do the Hoka-Poka