Originally Posted by Jok View Post
Well, excuse me for being so formal, it seems sarcasm is a must-have in a conversation with you.

You failed to spot the point where I said I think you are smart, and that you judging me by my age was probably just a fluke. But apparently it's not exactly a fluke.

I can assume you know Java to a good extent, seeing as how you do know what you're talking about, but more I can't assume because you haven't shared a single bit of info on that.

I am a 16 year old. I have been programming since I can remember. I know Java, C, C++, Pascal, and several others, to a high enough level to call myself skilled, and to a high enough level to be called 'smart'. I come from Romania, and have participated in the national olympics for Computer Science, programming side, in 2001, and would have won 1st prize if not for my bad habit of not saving, and a badly timed power failure. I was placed 13. I have been working for pay in Java, and C/C++ for the last year and a half, and have made quite a bit by doing so.

I'm not on IRC any longer, since a week or so ago, when veb proceeded to ban me from the place after my modship was removed and he wouldn't let go of the issue. I'm probably unbanned, but I'm not coming back, since I'd have to set up a new irssi session on the box I bounce through, and I've since lost the ip to said box, so I'd have to do some log-digging. (That is because my ISP blocks IRC connections to anything other than, so I have to either bounce through an external box, or not connect)

I have proven you either wrong or have proved that you misunderstood what I said on every point you brought up so far, and you still insist I 'see where you come from'.

Believe me, I've been there, thinking of making a system to do x thing for Toribash, then spending 6 months coding it, only to realise it's so bug-filled and slow it won't ever work properly. I'm trying to spare you the pain. When I saw you wouldn't budge, just like I didn't when I attempted various things, I suggested the best solution to your problem, meaning talking to hampa.

Not once before this post did I attempt to suggest you are mentally disabled, slow, stupid, retarded, or any other such thing. I simply recognized the way I used to act when I was still able to give a rat's ass about my projects, and was trying to help you so you don't end up annoyed over not being able to do something and quitting the community, or coding overall. The reason why I wasn't able to make a working neural net isn't because it's impossible per-se. It's because things always came up, problems, communication with hampa was tough because of timezones, and whenever I had a breakthrough, something new came up. Eventually, I lost interest. IF I had a year to waste with this, I would have probably ended up with a half-broken, half-working, system that sort of works. However it isn't worth it. I should have spent those months I was coding this at least doing something more productive, such as stuff the community would need. Not a neural net system that will never work, and even if it would, it would be useless due to bugs.

You are free to do as you wish, I never attempted anything more than to show you why it won't work, and how hard it would be to make them work. I'm not going to pursue this argument any more, due to the simple thing of me being as civilized as I can possibly be, and you using sarcasm and insults to get your flawed point across.

Jok, you act as if you are being victimized unfairly, but all you seem to be contributing to this thread is misinformation and pessimism.

I appreciate the fact that you think what I'm doing is impossible. It's very well intentioned of you to try and save me the trouble of doing something you think is a wild goose chase... but maybe you should consider that it only seems impossible to you because you don't understand it.

Way up there you say you've proven that I'm either wrong or that I'm misunderstanding you.
Well Jok, I'm trying to understand you and not mischaracterize your arguments.
Tell me if I've got anything wrong.

You are saying that evolving AIs for Toribash using neuroevolution will not work because:

1. 90% of the coolness of a neural net is training it, it wouldn't be fun as a bot.

2. It's impossible to speed up Toribash enough to be useful for neuroevolution (in your words: "Toribash, without rendering, would not run any faster. The simulation is too complex to run thousands of times in a few minutes on a single machine like you'd need.")

3. Neural nets will never be able to control an entire player at once, because its too complex (you suggest using an individual neural net for each limb, and a main neural net that chooses between which NN is the best for the moment; then you say that your tests indicate it is not workable).

Then you support this with the final point:

"I know enough about what Toribash CAN'T do, because I have tried it already. Having tried and failed at doing x, y, or z means I know Toribash currently isn't fully capable of doing said x, y, or z things."

Have I got you wrong on any points so far?