Original Post
[Auction] All Amethyst Trails
I am auctioning ALL AMY TRAILS here.

Startbid: 30k
Min. Raise: 2k
Autobuy: 55k
(remember, it's 1.6kk in Shop and Sold Out)
Highest bid: none

You pay the taxes adding to the buy price. If you say that you buy it, you have to buy it. I will not refund your money, when the trade is completed (because I'll instantly buy new textures =) )

Have fun bidding/buying
Last edited by JuHa_old; Aug 28, 2008 at 02:55 PM.
it is actualy 400k each one in the Torishop sold out xD just to let u know.
Robert A. Heinlein: "Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny."
ummm guys the 400k was just veb messing around in the shop so people wouldn't ask for it to be restocked....
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny