Originally Posted by StellarGod View Post
to be honest, I see a thin line between Good and Evil. I think it's all based on one's moral if they are good or bad.

Originally Posted by Ruyzan View Post
Are almost the same thing. They are both based on the way someone percieves their lives

Or even just ways they respond to their emotion. You cant really distinguish between them because if you have the same opinion as people like lets say Ghaddafi then you aren't automatically evil are you?

Many famous heroes in history had imperfections

Morals aren't always prevelent.
I'm a pretty likeable person and I know for a fact many people disagree with my opinions, am I evil?
No, people like Hitler were righteous in some minds, but since such things as good or evil are
opinions, who's to say they exist at ALL?
Some of these things are reasons I personally believe that statuses are subjective to opinion and thus you can not for a fact have a status based on things you do, but rather only things you are.
Since a person doesn't change based on other people's opinions there is no good or evil.


Good and Evil are merely representations of what is acceptable and detrimental to society. Killing someone is evil, because it is detrimental to society. Robbing from the Rich, giving to the poor, is detrimental to society because it sets an example for others to rob from those that have achieved wealth from work or inheritance from their ancestor's work, which induces chaos, etc.
As two side of a coin good and evil is also two part of our life.If any person expect to do good to him then he should have strength to bear the evil which happens to him.Normally each and every person feel happy when some good happens to him and feel sad when some evil.But as i say then each person should take whatever evil happens to him as positively and learn some lesson from it and try to solve it.
Good and Evil are purely moral based, is killing one to save 100 good or evil
Good example

What is good and what is evil
I'm Back Baby
In my eyes there is no good and evil its like black and white u can't said that "situation" is completly white or completly black cuz there always be a grey color and no one in this messed world is 100% good or evil (maby murders ) but that not my point .......we look at it slightly so its easier to us to see the difference between those two words but if we looked deeper we would see only grey ......
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Jesus, blabla bla
And just to clarify, rofl, your opinions and thoughts do not make you evil, your actions do.

So if we take it to the extreme cases; if Hitler did not start killing jews, bust still hated them as much we would have been a good person?

Back to topic; Good and Evil are just words, an american defending the american flag or a vietcong doing the sama are just as much evil, the amerian is evil in the eyes of the vietcong and vice versa and the american soldier is good in the eyes of the american citizens, and ofc, vice versa again.

So its just a matter of perspective, and yes, thus its subjective.
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
The world isn't that black and white.

There is a gray area in this but it looks like we are overlooking it.
<~legsol> (yes he is gay he is the gayest gay furry ever)
Good and Evil... There is that something that connects them. Based on morals?
I honestly can't come up with a clever signature.
You all are idiots.
addicted and bored morons.
just do it. report me.
I'm out