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[Ascend] Games Thread!
Rhae, you're taking too long :[ i'll take care of this

So, what are the other games you play? Share it with us!
Any tips in a game you want to share/ask for? Ask here!
Any game recommendations? Ask here!
Dont shitpost tho like: 'Hi, this game is pretty cool
' :P

i'll start it off

So, this game we play, Kerbal Space Program, is sort of a trial-and-error game where you try to make spaceships in your space station while trying to earn some cash and reputations and do missions and stuff :3



Well I play CS:GO

And I started playing a game called Savage Lands
which is indeed an awesome survival game considering it's still in early acces
I can recommend the game to anyone, I'm really enjoying it

Originally Posted by Raindz View Post
Archeage D: , isn't that pay to win as hell?

I haven't paid a dime beside subscription fee and can still fair pretty well against pay2win players. Don't worry it isn't that bad at all.
I think I might be retired.
$15 a month for a daily buildup of points for free stuff and fast labor refill and a few other bonuses
I think I might be retired.