Original Post
Clan Aim
The aim of [Smooth] is to spread sportsmanship throughout the multiplayer realm of toribash. Members will demonstrate good sportsmanship, and will softly and politely encourage others to do so as well. Good sportsmanship entails gracious losing and winning, and not being annoying or rude to anyone during play.

If you have any questions or concerns about the aim of [Smooth], I can alter the post to include more detail, and you ca ask for it in replies.
Come on man, quit being so uptight... be [Smooth].

I is [Smooth] leader. Just so's you know.
[Smooth] : I've seen a few unsportsman ship act's from some of our member's that only play TS :o
I blame it on al the noobs mutilating their minds.

It's all good tho, nothin serious.
<hanz0> Once upon a time... NUCLEAR WINTER!
<Iburnaga> I would suck to get anally raped. XD