ES Recruitment Drive
Who's this outsider?
I am birno the dude with a cringy name, Climbing the stairs of teenage, Just turned 15. In a world that even kindness won't give you peace, you'd want to keep a devil in your pocket. I'm far away from all of you. I'll swim to you and say hello if I have the time. Or maybe not

What should I know about this guy Ingame?

I got revived by some annoying friend pushing me to comeback from this positively cursed game. Had my share in other Clans, had my Prime as a madman replay maker That I am no longer are. I guess I lost my charming luck of boomhits and decaps. I never thought people would actually admire me behind my back, I saw some folks complimenting me in another site, I felt like I needed to cry. But I didn't because I just can't do what people loved anymore, I still can have some neat sparring replays but aside from that. There's nothing left

Other than mastering how to bake at home, what does this young man do?7
Well I'm a Jiu jitsu whitebelt if that counts, I believe that MAS is the mod that should be highlighted not spar (I think I triggered some people) Because It teaches you how not to suck and challenges your skills to the breaking point. We can't really do a 360 ninja flying quadruple kick can we? we're to busy getting fat

Anything else I should know? kid?
Yeah, my replays. Keep in mind that I probably won't bother making madmans anymore. It's to much work for my poor glasses to capture. But here's a link of my former (better) self.
And some sparring replays, I tried making another madman later today but it turned out crappy as hell.
Attached Files
Intial WB.rpl (244.0 KB, 5 views)
Yes.rpl (613.3 KB, 4 views)
Kicking ass.rpl (677.6 KB, 5 views)
Shovel counter.rpl (46.7 KB, 5 views)
00F.rpl (68.4 KB, 4 views)
I never forget.
Hi, my IGN is skate0701, my english isn't that good, so i won't write long application or something but about me

Skate, a person who started playing Toribash by accident
Yes, when i first started in 2009 year, i wasn't really planning on playing this game for longer, but after few matches, i said ,,hey, this game is actually pretty good'' and so i somehow spend few hours on single player learning tricks and learning how this game works. and so, few years have passed, and i didn't even noticed where, i had a break few months due to my work, but after everything cooled down, i could play again in 2015, and since 2015, im trying to play every day since i don't want to get rusty.

A guy who actually don't know how to run after few years
As long as i've been playing this game, i ALMOST know how it works, i can do cool punches, kicks, or other tricks, but i can't run, it's like advanced magic for me. Mostly, i'm just sitting on random mods trying to have fun, but when it comes to parkour, no way i can do anything. It's just another level of being good.

Why do i want to join to Chivalry clan

Well, after a while i thought ,,maybe it will be nice to have a clan, i've never been in any clan before, so maybe i will finally join one'' and i heard about this clan from my friend, so i was like ,,let's give it a shot''. I hope i get accepted. Also, i'm playing everyday as i said before, so i can be active on both forum and toribash.

Hi mate. I'm sorry to say that our clan is completely inactive at this point so if you join, you won't really find lots of active players around you.
Otherwise, thank you for the application. If you still want to join, please let me know!
Yeah, i would like to join, if clane is inactive, someon must play right haha Everything starts somwhere
Originally Posted by skate0701 View Post
Yeah, i would like to join, if clane is inactive, someon must play right haha Everything starts somwhere

Alright sure thing, as you like!
I would invite you for now. If you ever want to leave, feel free to! Just hit me up with a pm
Or if you want any higher ranks in clan such as Recruiting, War-Leader or Co-Leader etc, then talk to me on Skype, would be glad to discuss
For now i'll stick to my current rank, i don't feel like getting higher rank Also, i don't think i'll ever leave, i enjoy toribash way too much.
Applying for Chivalry :3

Introduction on my toribash "career"

About my actual self

Previous clans

Me as Toribash player

Why I want to join Chivalry