100% crit Yi jungle/onhit
Hydra, Statik shiv, (jungle item) Devourer,Infinity Edge, 2 phantom dancers.

This build is for my jungle yi only. It is a experimental due to 3 items give move speed and has 100% crit with 3 onhit affects. Meaning without boots you still move faster than a heimer or any champ without a movespeed buff of any form(includes hops etc like gnar and nid)

P.S. Any good builds for this godyr in the jungle?
Try tank Yi if enemy team has no hard CC. Stand in a team fight, use W, and watch as you gain health instead of losing it.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Tank/some AP. with a spirit visage. xD

Edit: added Raindz and Edjr(I know his real name muahahaha!)
Last edited by alkard; May 24, 2015 at 09:52 PM.
I personally main Yi jungle (Cowsep made my day)

One my most played build is :
Skirmisher Blade - Devoror , Blade of the Ruined King, Youmuu Ghostblade , At this point of my build i'll choose on what i will go (Full ad if i'm fed , a bit tanky , etc etc) , If they got hard CC i'll go for a QSS . if the game is going normal i just pick a Black clever for some HP and a bit of armor penetration , then i'll rush last whisper and randuin. if i get really CC i just go for some Tanky item to made them rage as i meditate in teamfight.

Now let's go to the new jungle meta , here it is , vayne , the jungler tank killer !
(Op as fk aswell)

In the current tank meta , vayne is way too op to kill enemy jungler tank and any tank that try to do yolo thing in front of you. , the E is pretty good to gank and of course the barrel roll help a lot.
Good outplay potential , in both game , enemy jungler was tanky and i can sh*t on him in 5 sec. Was pretty fun, try if you can ; Also pick ignite to go counter jungle if enemy jungler is a rengar (rengar is so weak in is first clear and he is free ..soooo a lot of people will play him).
French Player, Old member of OFRO
I just tried Rengar...

I want him...

I want him BAD!

S+ = Super intense rape play


Oh yeah, funny story with the first game.

Kha decided to lvl 2 cheese me and steal my blue after they lvl 1 invaded. The fucker even typed "Ty" when he smited my blue and walked away.

In response, I counterganked him mid and typed "Ty". Afterwards, I warded HIS blue, waited for 15 seconds, watched him take it, smited it when he thought he was gonna get it, then killed him instantly. Of course, I typed "Ty" in all chat, too.

And for the rest of the game, he was on useless and on tilt.

Still sad that Morde got fed in mid lane from our mid lane Renek which caused us to lose the game.
Last edited by SparChar; May 25, 2015 at 03:35 AM.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Maybe ganking the immibile midlaner instead of being baited by khazix would've been a good idea

But what do I know
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Maybe ganking the immibile midlaner instead of being baited by khazix would've been a good idea

But what do I know

Not a lot.
(jk hyde I love you)

So I played a few ranked games. Why would anyone want to do this? Its like shit is thrown at you no matter what you do. If you do good, you still suck. Its just not enjoyable all around.