Then you've most likey entered the wrong IP and/or port in your servers.txt

If you are running it on the same PC as you're trying to connect from, use as IP. If you want your server to be available from the internet, make sure that you have the NAT set up forrectly.

Also, make sure that you don't have a firewall blocking it.

Alot of info about NAT and other things you should be aware about can be found in this thread:
thanks for fixing it for me
<Shlimby> lol, no Ad, just stop seeing those melons
<ADTerminal> Sure
<Shlimby> and dont take them into ur bed at night
<ADTerminal> But it's where I keep them warm
probably not.... i dont think 2v2 is available yet, otherwise there would be alot of 2v2 private servers...
Originally Posted by jarmund View Post
Not yet, but there will be within a week

can u pvt message me when it does happen ty
i love eating out some nice juicy cranberrys
Originally Posted by jarmund View Post
When torilauncher is started, it checks for the file toribash_server.exe (case sensitive).

I've looked high and low for that file, but I can't find a download for it. From the threads I've read, the last version had problems with security, so there is no tb_server.exe file for any current version. Is this true, and is there any word on when/if this file will be publicly available for the current version of toribash?

(unless what was meant about 5 posts above this was not torilauncher, but "tb_server for 3.04")
