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allow underage sex?
Wouldnt it be like the best thing ever if the underage sex law was cancelled and the new law was underage sex requires condoms? as a 13 year old, i have urges to have sex all the time and the only way to get rid of it is to:
*be patient
*masturbate (i chose this all the time)

even when you masturbate, at the end you feel dissapointed cause the feeling stops and your "fanasy" goes away.

so what is you opinion on this? should underage sex be allowed if a condom is used?
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No. Kids are waaay too irresponsible to handle this type of responsibility. And condoms only works 97% of the times.
[Fr3styL]|TNT|Rooyall: Wanna smell my dick? Me: Why not? Rooyall: That's what I ask the girls all the time..
Underage sex is allowed really...
but when something will go wrong it's not allowed any more ;)
as 13 years old you shold think more about education and life than sex.
Cause you'll see what's like when you have 16 ;)
Goverment won't cancel that restrictions, they think that underage people can't think about creating normal family and that's kind of true.
Anyway condom should be used if you don't want to get a kid so it's your choice.
Anyway condoms don't prevent you fully from that.
And do you know.

What is love
Oh baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more
Oh, baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more

cause Haddaway knows that ;P
Last edited by Kaszanas; Apr 9, 2011 at 09:57 AM.
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
It being illegal doesn't stop anyone anyway.
The law only gets enforced on rape and pregnancy usually.
e.g. I was doing it at 14.
Here also the laws about that are not well defined. Gypsies here getting married at age 12-13, same goes for some far back rural provinces. [What are they doing after is for the column of some ''Teen troubles'' magazine.]
There are even some old customs to be ''promised'' to the boy/girl at age 12 in ''backwoods Bosnia'' . It's like very early proposal, but it does not involve any sex at that age (although it can happen).
As a matter of fact, my grandma ''promised'' me to some girl in her village. Imagine a boy who is borne in town, whose parents came from the rural back, living in town enough to get fairly emancipated, coming to see his relatives every year, doing ninja stunts to avoid any contact to that girl (it look banal to you now, but in those times we were more interested in play, sports, etc then sex. Must be some ''internet porn pollution'' that affects the brains of today's youngsters).
The whole idea of heaving underage sex was a taboo. But, now it seams almost normal that one 13-teen old wants to have sex every 5 min?
If you mother still is thinking for you what will u eat/wear/do how the hell can you took a responsibility for some poor child you would made some girl of your age?
I would allow it.. :O
why not ? ^^
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There is no real law about it. Mainly it depends on how sneaky you are. Also stop beating your meat.
Wow people today getting perv...

I wouldnt mind if its allowed or not. I would just do it i mean who the fuck would know it? Even though if your parents hear it they wouldnt call the police. Just wear a condom thats all man.
Also i would start later if i were you also with that masturbating.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
There is no real law about it. Mainly it depends on how sneaky you are. Also stop beating your meat.

Ugh, there sure are laws about it. Maybe not in the country where you live but many countries prohibit or limit sex for minors.

I like the regulation in Germany.

Originally Posted by TheCobra View Post
Wow people today getting perv...

I wouldnt mind if its allowed or not. I would just do it i mean who the fuck would know it? Even though if your parents hear it they wouldnt call the police. Just wear a condom thats all man.
Also i would start later if i were you also with that masturbating.

Don't recommend felonies , dude.
Last edited by Redundant; Apr 9, 2011 at 01:16 PM.
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