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Automated Dueling System
Got the idea from this thread here:

So you know, I surfed through this thread and came to the conclusion that it truly wasn't worth implementing — my own opinion of course. Generally, most of the computers/laptops that would be using this feature couldn't withstand the surmounting data usage from the pictures building up in the screenshots folder, which sucks, but as mentioned in the thread, there are third-party solutions to the issue.

However, I kinda just realized something that we totally have in this community that could be incredibly beneficial to duelers (with some slight modifications): The Clan War System

As far as I'm aware from a mobile view, the clan war system is essentially like a duel without the wagering. If I recall, there used to be a wager system in the clan war system, but it must've been removed — or I just don't see it, whatever.

Originally Posted by Dare View Post
You can already wager in wars. Just add stuff to prize. And other team add stuff too. Then whoever wins gets those prizes. And if you don't want to do a wager war just don't add anything.

So my question for the developers: Is there any possible way to rework the clan war system into a forum-based dueling system for TC and items?

Suggestions and feedback is definitely appreciated, and it'd be cool if we could get some developer insight on this.
Last edited by Creati0n; Mar 19, 2017 at 04:53 PM. Reason: beep
it seems like a great idea, sort of to have a storage or something where the tc goes and it can't be touched by anyone except the winner. This is definitely worth looking into.
I like the idea of having a middleman or third party option. And I agree that it'd be extremely beneficial for many duelers, especially the newer ones. But the one thing I will say is, and I touched on this briefly in-game, is that if you've reached the point where you're willing the take a gamble with your TC and items, then you should at the very least have some degree of knowledge on what you're getting yourself into, and who you're getting into it with. And that you should be accountable for taking the precautionary steps to ensure your own safety - whether that be to take screenshots or to double check the inventories of whoever it is you're dueling to make sure that they have whatever it is that they're wagering to duel against you. If something seems off, then your gut instinct is probably right. Some scams can be easily avoided with the use of common sense.
Last edited by visceral; Mar 20, 2017 at 05:14 AM.
This would be pretty useful considering that you could add items and tc, moreover it'd help decreasing the number of scam, since both have to accept prizes and this cannot be cancelled
Fully approved, nice
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