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"Skill ceiling"
I don't know if this only happens to me, or if its something psychological or what. But it seems that after playing Toribash since, well my join date I've reached my peak. Which isn't too high to be honest. I'm OK at TK, barely mediocre at aikido and a moving punching bag at wushu. I no longer feel like I'm improving in anyway. It starts feeling like the gears are rusted if that makes sense. I have these long stretches of time where I honestly don't know what to do in a match and nothing seems to work out in my favor. Then short maybe day long periods of what I call (jokingly) "Toribash enlightenment" where I know exactly the best course of action to take. And everything goes according to plan. Only to get brought back down to another incredibly frustrating "Bleh".

And well, does that happen to anyone else?

Been playing for a long time, not a great player. Stopped improving, not getting any better. SUPER frustrating
Just me?
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Definitely not just you, I feel the same way.

For me it has to do with the level of competition I'm adjusted towards. I don't ever think I can play all that well if I don't get to play Snudge or Logic in the last day or so. If I'm not forced to really step it up, then I feel like I "settle" and then develop bad habits.

The only way I get out of it is either finding that steep competition somewhere, or set goals independent of winning for me to accomplish that way I can push myself. Like hit a certain speed, only touch the ground with my hands a certain amount of times in a game, etc.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Drink something energetic, or find some natural source of energy.
I play and make replays sooo much better when I'm hyper.
old player, bad habits.
cant teach an old dog new tricks etc.

then again, put me against players like kamiko, ticux and kristis, and i can compete, even win sometimes.
put me against newer players and i just eat the floor every game.

you cant look at new players and think you know how theyr gna move from turn to turn, you cant predict what theyll do and react accordingly. you just have to hope you have a better offense than them.
looking at more advanced players though, you can look and see what they want to do. theres more thought and logic behind their moves. they have play styles that you can recognise and relate to.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
looking at more advanced players though, you can look and see what they want to do. theres more thought and logic behind their moves. they have play styles that you can recognise and relate to.

Yes. So, it's not like beginners can ever add power behind the strike. It normally ends with you Dqing or you barely touch them in all the wrong places give them more points in the end, but other than that, I've no problem with them.

For Wushu. I suggest learning new moves, then making new moves after you understand the different ways your tori can move on the first turn, then you can improvise with the newly attained ability of tori control, try something different if you already haven't. If not, TRY harder.
Some people will tell you to improvise, but the chances are they know a couple of moves themselves.
Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo View Post
Definitely not just you, I feel the same way.

For me it has to do with the level of competition I'm adjusted towards. I don't ever think I can play all that well if I don't get to play Snudge or Logic in the last day or so. If I'm not forced to really step it up, then I feel like I "settle" and then develop bad habits.

The only way I get out of it is either finding that steep competition somewhere, or set goals independent of winning for me to accomplish that way I can push myself. Like hit a certain speed, only touch the ground with my hands a certain amount of times in a game, etc.

Yep. And once I settle into that routine and fight someone that fight with a different style, I really get thrown off and well, I lose.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
old player, bad habits.
cant teach an old dog new tricks etc.

then again, put me against players like kamiko, ticux and kristis, and i can compete, even win sometimes.
put me against newer players and i just eat the floor every game.

you cant look at new players and think you know how theyr gna move from turn to turn, you cant predict what theyll do and react accordingly. you just have to hope you have a better offense than them.
looking at more advanced players though, you can look and see what they want to do. theres more thought and logic behind their moves. they have play styles that you can recognise and relate to.

I can relate to some of this. Sometimes it feels like a do better against a 5th Dan that's been playing for a bit than a green belt.
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Mix things up for yourself.
Force yourself into playing in different styles so you can learn the various skills that come with them. (ie: contracted wrists, held wrists, double grab, single grab, kicking, suplexes, etc.) This can let you learn things about the mod that you otherwise would've ignored that you can apply to your preferred style of play.

Ben effectively hit the nail on the head regarding New vs. Old, so keep that in mind. I personally try to stick to the higher dans because the games are more fun with someone who knows what they're doing as opposed to someone who flails around until they make contact.
Preposterously dank.
I'm from quite some time back as well,watch the new players play all day,their new replays,try to cope with that,its like real life,you can't expect one generation of people to act exactly the same as other generations from the past.
Bye bye toribash
I always felt like i had an easy time winning before, but even if i get into the game again i don't think i'm gonna have any success whatsoever.
nevar forget
I'm gonna share a little experience I had before I stopped playing Toribash.
I was doing fairly good at this game. I was winning an OK number of matches, and I wasn't losing much. I also had a few streaks here and there, but not much big stuff happened. Then my CPU broke down so I only had the chance to play Toribash when I visited the internet cafe weekly for school research(I downloaded TB in the cafe computer).
And whenever I came back, I was doing great. Winning a lot of tourneys and shit.
Then I got a new PC. I came back and was doing great again. Then after awhile, I started getting horrible. I was going on an embarrassing losing streak. Then I found out that if you play a game too much, you actually get bad at it.

Maybe that's what's happening to you. Maybe you just need to take some breaks once in awhile and not be too hooked up on the game.
Good luck!
a spoon.