Original Post
Auto updater
Easy and simple - when new version of TB will be relased the game client would show message: "Would you like to udate?". Players would download new game version without copying their replays and mods.
Last edited by WorldEater; Feb 19, 2013 at 10:18 PM.
I support, but i wanted to you know... dont burn the replays of your older versions.
"Never think you're the only one at something" - VictorTB

4 haters only

The game is going green on steam; auto updates here we go.

The problem with auto updates are that Lua-scripts and 3rd party modifications in general gets outdated.
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
btw in toribash folder exists file autoupdate.txt
i dont if this will work but i changed to #enabled
Yea its a good idea and maybe add a scanner or sometholing that compare between both toribashes
And the files that the,same size and every thing the updater wont download
Or the devolepers only add the changed files when auto update
INB4 14 days ban
I fully support this, I dont want to go on google anymore and search it up until I find the right one, Idk if this would take you DIRECTLY TO THE LINK

Or just update it but still I fully support

And what meow said that is just annoying
Last edited by Lushsmoke; Feb 24, 2013 at 10:35 PM.
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)