Originally Posted by missuse View Post
3 people have void packs,
7 have pure
if u are lucky u can find who has one. And than, may the negotiations begin

I'm pretty sure Slipanc has the void and he is not allowed to sell.
I'm not sure about the pure, I'm pretty sure he has most of those.
Originally Posted by MasterGabe View Post
mardoboy has no qi void relax and no qi demon force.

there is no such thing as no qi void lax, or demon force, there is even a sticky about it:
wishful eyes deceive me
What missuse said.

The items themselves ARE NOT NO-QI ITEMS. The way people got them without having the required qi level was because the marketeers sold the regular items for a higher value and then transfered them to the user without regarding qi. So the transfer was no-qi. Then the users could not send the items no-qi anymore.
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.
Originally Posted by kooky View Post
Getting a pack is not the only way MS can sell with no qi

Contrary to popular belief, the Market Squad actually don't have no-qi trading capabilities. The only users that do are Torishop Admins who are kept secret. The way Marketeers worked was a list was compiled and then handled by the local TSA.

In any case, you're wrong packs are at the moment the only form of no-qi sale. Who knows we might reinstate something like the Marketeers in future, I can't say for sure. I know it won't be in the near future though.

Keep a look out for the Toribash Lottery though, it'll allow you the chance to win items without qi.