It is now the present day. The Inquisition had suffered a calamatous fall, but has been reborn into this new age of darkness and despair. This clandestine sect finds itself in new hands, with an ancient leader and new devoted followers. Lead by a Lord_Inquisitor, whose true name has been lost to time, whose knowledge and power know no bounds, the Inquisition has begun to resume its quest to root out all darkness from the galaxy.

While it is true that an Inquisitor's power is limitless, the battle for the sanctity of Mankind is not a battle fought by one man alone. He must have loyal companions, who share his commitment to honor and duty. For Lord_Inquisitor, Lightninkid is such a man. Having earned the trust of the Lord_Inquisitor for his unwavering loyalty to the God-Emperor after the great tragedy of the Lupine Heresy, Lightningkid is the only other survivor of the ancient times and has immeasurably aided the resurgence of the Emperor's Divine Inquisition.

(there is what I wrote... just put into lords words by lord :/ lol. Its my story line though )
Gynx is a nubby nubly nub nub who nubs around nubbing