Original Post
How do i put an image in my sig
I know i know, ive been playin for a while and still dont know, but yes, if someone would tell me!
Klan Opposition.
You have to buy Tori-Prime Which has more benefits than just being able to have a Sig.

Buying Toribash prime costs $10 a year, it allows you to change your forum title, e.g. mine is "Now made with real fruit juice" and add an image to your signature.
Originally Posted by JinxZ View Post
You have to buy Tori-Prime Which has more benefits than just being able to have a Sig.

These benefits include changing your title above your avatar (Junior Member, etc.), enables more characters in your signature, and the ability to upload a 400x150 picture as your signature.

Threads which involve simple quick questions should go in Rapid Threads.
you'l find this game is very complex indeed
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say