Original Post
I dont know why I am even making this thread because its so stupid and dumb to do this because i can just quit and no one will ever care but ama do it anyways...

I had so much fun in this community in the past 3 years, I don't know if I ever will come back to this game because 2019 is going to be weird and probably the worst year of my life or it could be the opposite and actually change my life for the best, But I don't think anything is going to be good from this day.. wish me luck

Love you guys <3

also sorry for my shitty english I learned english by playing this game lol
see u in 1/2 weeks

lmao ~tabby
Last edited by tabby; Dec 13, 2018 at 01:38 AM.
pm me your questions or applications


dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn