Original Post
how can this be old ,
Also i heard this on the radio/
McCain accuses obama of not have enough experience, when someone who has had lots of experience (bush) has done nothing but wrong, maybe its better to have less experience :x?
the god
Originally Posted by Cindermomo View Post
O'mah lawd, Old vid is old.

oh rely?
i made the vid yesterday
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
oh god that is not a bright thing you just said.

more experience means just that, your better at what you do.

just because bush is a dick, doesn't mean that having experience is what made him a dick.

Yeah, he was born that way, it wasn't HIS fault. (note to children, STAY OFF THE DRUGS DURING PREGNANCY!)

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Originally Posted by DesertPunk View Post
more experience means just that, your better at what you do.

No, in the sense we're talking about, it is being there longer. When it SHOULD be, you've made the right decisions in the adequate situations.

McCain's campaign always tries to use his imprisonment in Vietnam as his answer when being asked "What qualifies you as being a commander-in-chief," as well as many other questions. Many times his answers are, "dang, I forgot that because my memory was weakened through the painful time in 'nam when... etc. etc."

Personally, I don't think being a POW directly qualifies him as being the next president of United States.
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
I've always liked McCain. Ten years ago, he'd be a lot better of a president than he would be today, however, I still think he would make a better president than Obama. From what I've seen in Obama, he has very few definitive views or plans. What's more, McCain basically had to agree with George Bush throughout Bush's presidency, or risk alienating himself from the hardcore conservatives spread out throughout the middle of the country. If you look back, any time he disagreed with Bush, he caught a lot of flak from his own party. Had he disagreed, he would've never even been a candidate for presidency.

Regardless, I think this is the first time that both candidates haven't been complete shit when it comes to US elections.

Edit: Also, watching that video, while it gives some facts, it's completely biased and uninformed. For instance, if Obama gets voted in, we're still going to be in a war.
Last edited by Juntalis; Sep 4, 2008 at 05:58 AM.
Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
I've always liked McCain. Ten years ago, he'd be a lot better of a president than he would be today, however, I still think he would make a better president than Obama. From what I've seen in Obama, he has very few definitive views or plans. What's more, McCain basically had to agree with George Bush throughout Bush's presidency, or risk alienating himself from the hardcore conservatives spread out throughout the middle of the country. If you look back, any time he disagreed with Bush, he caught a lot of flak from his own party. Had he disagreed, he would've never even been a candidate for presidency.

Was it better to lie and get a position in which he is viewed in representing something that he does not really represent?
If people are going to argue with him, he should accept that and try to prove his arguments, instead of lying. If he really believes in other things, he should try to make others believe him instead of making people think he isn't the person he is.

Originally Posted by Juntalis View Post
Edit: Also, watching that video, while it gives some facts, it's completely biased and uninformed. For instance, if Obama gets voted in, we're still going to be in a war.

orly? with who?
<PlayerID666> samule is the coolest guy around
You, as well as I, know that the general public is made up of retarded rednecks. You think reason would actually work? Think about it like this. If you're given the choice to argue against something that is going to pass regardless, or to run for president, which would you pick?