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Scary stories
i a pro at making scary stories, here is few of my examples; www.freewebs.com/scarystoriest/ but if you want some of my scary stories, just post that you want to read it, then i'll PM you that scary stories

free for everyone!!!!!!!! even ToriAgent!!!!!!

that is... if you want
why wouldnt it be free for toriagents if its free for everyone
Originally Posted by Blam View Post
why wouldnt it be free for toriagents if its free for everyone

toche... but TA not really invole with everyone (no offense TA)
Perhaps the funniest story I have ever read:

then the shadow appear in a naked eye and grab a knife that the father left there working on the wall job

The shadow appeared in a naked eye?

the police came inside, 3/4 of the police know the rumor, and stay out but 1/2 of the police don't belive it and went inside

How could 3/4 of them know it but 1/2 don't? Did some change their minds?

that the story is telling people that never, and i mean never disbelif a horrible rumors.

Lesson learned, listen to rumors teenagers start about some unreasonably possible event that probably didn't and won't happen.
Last edited by SrgtCorn; Sep 6, 2008 at 11:32 PM.
Originally Posted by Delaid View Post


Also, the story sucked.

well the only reason "the stranger" sux cause i haven't been reading scary stories

the more scary stories, the more i can make a good one myself
Originally Posted by SrgtCorn View Post
Perhaps the funniest story I have ever read:

The shadow appeared in a naked eye?

How could 3/4 of them know it but 1/2 don't? Did some change their minds?

yeah.... wait... (sadly) i'll change it to "in thin air" how that?

yes, some of them change thier mind

ps: sorry for double post
Originally Posted by wolfboy View Post
well the only reason "the stranger" sux cause i haven't been reading scary stories

the more scary stories, the more i can make a good one myself

Oh. So, that's what makes you a pro...?

(P.S. nieSs enGriSH??)
there were a lonely house, where no one live for over 500 years, until... a man came there and died

Way to ease into the moment. And how could a house be lonely?
Originally Posted by Squee View Post
Oh. So, that's what makes you a pro...?

(P.S. nieSs enGriSH??)

yeah, the more scary stories, cause me to copy few of them, sinto 1 story, but with diff character, setting, etc