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Back, again, kind of I suppose.
Been inactive for a while, I guess I'm here again for as long as I can be. Used to moderate several boards at a time. My favorite was the good Ole discussion board. I was also a teacher and a 2nd Gen tori-agent. It was a lot of fun muting stupid people and helping new players. I really left after I joined the navy and deployed 4 months later. Did a 7 month cruise in the black Sea when the whole Crimea thing went down. Stayed a while in Florida until I changed station to norfolk. Bought a house in 2016, then deployed again in April of 2017. Did 8 months in the Arabian Gulf. Found out how much I really hate the heat. Anyway, that's a bit about me, I always get the itch to come back here. I missed yall.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee
