Sorry, but I have to stand for UrbanUnit.

First off, why the fuck would you shut this clan down? IRC not active?? WHO THE FUCK USES IRC?

First off, shutting down Urban and RAWR will result in the following:
Tons of old schools never returning
2 clans that done so much for toribash just being killed over "activity"

Gynx, all I got to say is: Kill Urban and RAWR and I will just have to get banned because I will go off about it...

Second off: I am sure everyone in Urban is 18+ with a job or doing something with their life, how teh fuck do you expect them to be on 24/7?

I have to defend for my fav clan in TB even if I am not in it. I don't want to see this get deleted...

Come on Clan mods... The old players are what made TB to what it is today...
Last edited by Noobie; Apr 21, 2015 at 08:06 PM.
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Originally Posted by DeakManiac View Post

Right, lets not get ahead of ourselves, it's still up for review and even if they decide to remove it it's their decision, which we have to respect.
Listen, my opinion about this matter probably does not matter but I would like to show it anyways. I'm really depressed about ancient clans such as RAWR and Urban being taken away but I also understand why. As the mods have stated before me this check is not biased nor does it mean that these clans are absolutely going to die. And honestly I trust the actions the mods are taking. If you guys want to get this clan active again you probably could do it! You could kick inactive members and hop in0game and start a tourney. I want to see this clan live on, can someone take action and try to save this clan?
[14:08] <@ego> uncreative fuck R.I.P TL;DR
[14:08] <GoldenRox> That's me all right \(o_o/)
I don't see how a clan can be killed off like this for "inactivity" when the clan board is still used often and the majority of the members still communicate with each other on a daily basis. As a few of the other members said earlier in this thread, when this clan was made most of the members were in their early teens and had a lot of free time on their hands, now every one has matured and have responsibilities such as work and studies to take care of and simply cant spend a great deal of time playing the game, I myself started playing Toribash 8 years ago and was extremely active for the first 3 years, then started to play consistently for periods of 2 to 3 months whenever I had the time on my hands. Just because all of the members are not always on in-game 100% of the time doesn't mean that the clan is dead, it simply means that the members have real life duties to take care of, ofcourse this statement may not apply for all of the members of the clan, some have just lost interest and given up on the game completely witch is normal, However I find it extremely unfair for this clan to be killed of for this little "inactivity" patch, when I am almost certain that there will be a boost in activity once the summer holiday starts witch is just around the corner.