Original Post
Place of business
This is basically the topic to check for any news that comes up about the clan. it can be everythn from new members to wars to a really good match with someone. the posts then may be moved into there repective topics. So this acts as a place for a quick check up on the clan. Enjoy!
Re: Place of business
The first peice of news is that i will be away from friday night till thursday. gotta go back to jersey with my g/f for here 21st. i will try and check up on the forums but i wont be able to fight on the servers. sos guys
Re: Place of business
IM BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK :P after a breif abscenes im back to the toribash servers and forums.. what have i missed
Re: Place of business
Well, since I'm trying to be involved with your clan as much as possible because I extremely like the Idea I suggest this as your motto:
"Move over evolution, we're taking charge"