wait, people believe he exists? i thought it was pretty obvious because of the fact that he was made up in that SA thread :v
i named my sandman Charles
O_O I am so freaking scared right now. Is this guy actually a true fact or a myth? :|

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
Mwebs search slender man on YouTube and watch all the marble hornets videos
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Originally Posted by Gradeger View Post
He stalks children, and then takes them.

I've actually encountered this being before.

I was walking to school on day, and as always, I walk by an old abandoned factory building(used to be a Bradford White). For some reason, they put curtains on the windows when they left, and they had always been closed. But not this time.

No sir, one window had the curtains spread wide open, and 'ol Slendy was standing right there. Of course, this was before I knew about him, so I thought it was just an old worker who forgot something.

That isn't the end.

One night, I was practicing baseball at my school's baseball field. I was there for, 1 or 2 hours. When I was done, I turned around and saw him. He wrapped his arms around me, 5 or 6 times, and got in my face and said "YOU'RE NEXT!" I didn't know what to do. I replied back "I'm next for what?!?!" and I couldn't tell what it was, but where his mouth was supposed to be, it stretched. So I guess he was trying to smile, and said "YOU'LL FIND OUT SOON ENOUGH!" And vanished. I ran home and immediately went into my room, locked my door, and hid under my blankets.

Fuck this shit guys.

If your telling the truth, you will be haunted by Slender for the rest of your life. (From the story)

I actually started to think now. Once, for about 4 years ago when me and my friend was extreme alien believers...
Whatever, we was out in the woods with a camera.
We kind of roleplayed that we saw UFO's and stuff... He gave me the camera because he needed to take a piss.
So I just stood there and taped in the other direction.
Suddenly I saw something black. Kind of black suit-ish with a white head. There was way too much stuff in the way so I couldn't see it very clearly.
I just stood there and taped it.
When my friend was done he turned around and the creature immediately walked away.
I said what I saw and we watched the tape. It was clearly something...
We walked to the location where I saw it. (It was winter) And guess what I saw in the snow.

Now this picture is faked. But the footprints we saw was just like these circles.
They was leadign towards the railway. We followed it and it was suddenly gone.
I still think its some explonation to this...
Because the Slenderman has hooves.
Nahh, the stories are probably just a myth.
Anything is possible, though.
wow that
Originally Posted by NearlyDead View Post
Because the Slenderman has hooves.
Nahh, the stories are probably just a myth.
Anything is possible, though.

As I said, the picture was faked.
I saw something realated. Instea of stuff like that it was one complete circle and one innercircle.
And we don't have horses where I live.
Originally Posted by zomfier View Post
Gradeger, is that true?

Does Halo have a long-time rivalry with Call of Duty?


No, not really.
Last edited by box; Jul 20, 2012 at 04:19 PM.
@Hours I knew you saying that picture was fake, I thought
You were saying that those, or something similar were
the footprints. That is sorta freaky.
Anyway, you said that you had a camera or something.
Any chance you have any footage?

Edit: the only real scary thing that happened to me recently was
One night I laid down, ya know, to go to sleep.
Whenever I was close falling asleep, I would suddenly be
hit with this primal fear. I ended up staying awake the whole
night, and I slept through most of school.
Last edited by Nearly; Jul 20, 2012 at 02:38 PM.
wow that