Original Post
The Real Uprising..
I Threatened to Hack That Ass Davey If he Didnt Post That Stupid Thread.

Hello Bashians
I am a member of another branch of the Brotherhood
We understand you have had a bit of a problem on your hands recently
So, as an initial entrance, some of my brothers have crashed 2 of "your" servers
We apologize for the initial panic and outburst this has caused, but it was very necessary
My brothers shall return again in one week
At that time, this "problem" will most likely be terminated

We are returning...
Originally Posted by Zeipher View Post

Originally Posted by Zeipher View Post
shut the fuck up

wow. how hateful. i think im going to cry now. you are the greatest disser ever.
No, no... this isn't the brotherhood that made that crashbot the other day.
User was infracted for this post. (Useless post)
Originally Posted by FelixK View Post
No, no... this isn't the brotherhood that made that crashbot.

wonderous observation. they were simply an annoying distraction.
Originally Posted by NearEnd View Post
wow. how hateful. i think im going to cry now. you are the greatest disser ever.

it's just funny to say something blunt after a wordy post nobody cares about

sorry you're butt-hurt
Originally Posted by Zeipher View Post
PS we are really just hurting veb and hampa by doing this shit so errrr

good job

fixed that for you.