Original Post
A head toss record?
At the risk of negative karma, Im posting how i got what i believe, the most heigth and distance witha head toss ever.

lower left shoulder
raise right shoulder
contract pecs
grabby hands

space x 1

raise left shoulder
lower right shoulder

space x 2(until head snaps)

raise right shoulder
lower left shoulder
extend pecs
rotate chest right
rotate lumbar left

space x 1(or 2)

release grabby hands(make sure you release both)

Taaa-Daah! kinda mortal combat-y in a way.
Re: A head toss record?
Even though the throw is kind of high, I'm almost sure that that isn't the record. And please don't post twice in a row, it will make people yell at you. Instead use the modify button.
R.I.P. Billy Mays
Re: A head toss record?
Ah, I did not know about the modify button.

but I'd like to think its a record dfor the Demo settings at least...


Also, the spiral design of the blood spray from the head is worth it in my opinion.
Re: A head toss record?
Well did ya figer out how to snap it yourself?Or you changed my move a bit?Any way: