Original Post
[WAPOW] Donations for the clan video
Hello WAPOW!

So Flames assigned me to collect TC for the clan video and i decided to make thread about it, because why not! I strongly encourage everyone to give at least a little part of your TC because after all you're basically paying someone to make a video about you so its for your own good

The process is pretty simple: you send the TC to my account. and write me a private message or just post here how much you donated. There is not really much of a difference where do you write it because i will make a list of how much everyone donated anyways.

Now you may ask: why would you send it to me, not to WapowBank? That's a good question. The reason of this is that our leaders already has a lot of business and they can't always keep track of the bank, while i got all this free time on my hands so I can show how much everyone donated and report it to leaders. I believe that I've been with all of you guys for long enough to prove that I will never ever scam you if you're thinking that I might claim it for my own

People that have donated so far:
  • nicejesus Geta L,Geta R,Left Punkspike,Right Punkspike
  • PimpKilla 50k
  • Hannw 20k
  • Harry6103 10k
  • Smaguris 5k
  • Challenged 5k

(This is the first post i'm ever making in the clan thread and im not much of a forum person. If you have any suggestions of what i should add or change I would be glad to hear that)
Last edited by Smaguris; Nov 6, 2015 at 04:46 PM. Reason: new donation
I just donated 20k. Thanks a lot Smag, we really needed someone to collect the precious Tc's for our precious clan vid
If thou gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss will also gaze into thee.
Imaslayaa you can send your centurion and apply for wapow to be in video xD
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
Ok I'm going to donate 50k cause it's gunna take too long for others to donate the full amount, that's at least what I think.

If someone else donates and the 80k is already there, please either give them their tc back.

Don't believe in a cripple cause he'll prove you wrong.