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Implement wii blood physics on pc
The blood splatter in the wii version of toribash was far better than the pc version. Instead of just splatting on the floor it also splatted and trailed down the characters as well giving a much more interesting effect.


It seems possible on pc and it looks much better to get all messy with your opponent's blood, I think it's better than the blood just phasing through you and splatting on the floor. What do yallmst think?
shmeat shmeat give me something good to eat
As far as I know they will be implementing something like this into Toribash Next. It will spatter and stay on opponents and yourself, but as far as Toribash goes. I don't think it's something they should focus on adding to them game any time soon. I don't see it as a need, and I don't know if the engine is the reason why it doesn't have it.
It will be in Toribash Next.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up