Hehehe, I did decap him and submit it to ConCon's top 5 insane fights. I can't imagine him commentating on himself getting decapped.

AnalystA has been decapped.
Attached Files
Last edited by Sparky; Mar 16, 2015 at 04:13 AM.
You decapped me in the most amazing way, but I remain completely unmentioned on your decapped list. I'll scavenge up that replay if I have to, if it will make you notice me, senpai.
I'm not sure where I placed that Decap, it's somewhere in my old laptop. If you'd like me to add it sooner, you can always send it via Skype!
Not decaped me yet.how long will it take to hunt my head?
Skill might be needed to win but luck.Better luck next time