My crappy jokes gotta make at least one person smile ;).

And Blackware/Dash I'm looking for you guys :V. Saw Dash in game today so where you at blackW?
Originally Posted by Snook View Post
My crappy jokes gotta make at least one person smile ;).

No i don't xD
also, this is the last day i play in game, tommorow i will move to another city
my internet connection is limited so maybe i will less active here
Back from the dead w00t
Hey everyone, back from the dead. My computer has been jacked all this time. I still can't go in game much but I can be on the forums at least yay.
well, i dont know who you are, but welcome back ^_^
because my brother was sick, I decided to push back its time to move to another city until tomorrow, yeah !
We still have time guys come on and /jo obeyvelite.

We need two more members if you're on just get in here.