Original Post
Appearently the news thread is the least viewed thread on our board, and I'm starting to think it has became a bit useless.

I thought of some ways to fix that:
A- Delete the thread.
B- Improve the thread, add upcoming events, sections etc.
C- Make another thread which is postable and is to share general news around the forum.

I would really appreciate your inputs and ideas about this.

Basicly just merge it with an event thread.
"News And Events Thread"
Nice idea cham. I'm saying A B and C, base a new thread on news and upcoming things. Keep it pretty simple and easy to read, old news can be put in an 'archive' spoiler.

With C you can add up coming events along with the news. Either add it in during the event or before.
It's Fabulous
I can't find one. We had a placeholder on the original thread, I don't know if an official one was ever made.
We never had a banner because we had chamfrey's post for news.
~ [Fa]mily~
"You may have Downs, but you get me up." - Hucota7
Well alright, B it is. I'll delete the current thread and make another one.

There is still another problem though, should it be a postable thread? I mean, if it was, it would get loads of spam, but if it wasn't, noone would ever bother to check it therefore making the thread useless.