
World of Warcraft : Cataclysm
Warcraft 4
Left 4 Dead 3
Team Fortress 3 (Or some new classes/major overhaul)
InFamous 2
Sly Cooper 4
Borderlands #2

Starcraft 2
Diablo 3
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Cataclysm? Really?

I hope you enjoy the final nail in the Warcraft lore's coffin =[
Werewolves and Goblins allied to Horde? T_T

EDIT: GoW3 is using the same engine >:L
All Points Bulletin: very fun game, I'm currently playing the beta and was expectin an epic fail or an epic win, and this my friends, is an epic win. It takes a pretty good comp to run it though, my desktop could not cus it sux, so hopefully my laptop will do better I'm downloading it now. Mostly needs a good cpu.
Toribash Wii
and Timesplitters 4 Wii
Beta: YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT IT1!!! ITS LEGIT FULL 128! Morbon: joint textures and all? Beta: lol no fuck joint textures
Mass effect 3
Final dantasy XIV
Fallout: New Vegas
GranTurismo 5
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