Original Post
+Hacking threat
hey i fucking suck at the forums. so im sorry if this is in the wrong place. i was playing some Insta just passing the time. and this guy comes in and is same exact name as me. so i says wtf how the fuck are you on my name guy. and he says I HAVE A TINY PENIS AND I HACKED YOUR ACCOUNT or some bull fucking shit like that. anyways. id like for him to get banned or whatever.

He mentions a name, Phenoma i dont know if thats his name. anyways cool thanks for your time.

I'm almost certain this should be in support, but I'm not sure. In any case, the 'l' is slightly moved over in his name. Unlike yours. Which means he probably used a capital I just to piss you off.
Not sure if that constitutes a ban.
Well, first, try having a more informational title.
Yes, this belongs in the Support section.

Change your password, and PM a moderator with your information.
Wow, Helvetica. Nice detail skills.
If that really is the case, he should just be infracted for pretending to hack, and just being a plain jackass.
Definitely change your password. And as a message to the 'hacker' - he can suck my fat dick & enjoy his ban.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Definitely change your password. And as a message to the 'hacker' - he can suck my fat dick & enjoy his ban.

ROFL owned!!
I never thought this could be possible, in toribash. O.O Just weird. :/
Breaking rules is bad