Use the newest version and it's pretty obvious. Click the room you want, then it should open a box below it. In that, click connect.
Attention: Updated it. It's nearly at a stage where I can call it 'finished'.

It now self-updates to the newest version.
Scripting support now added. I will put some documentation up soon enough but for now, the scripting is done in javascript. A simple bot can be like so:

	Settings : {
		override : false
	Connect : function()
		alert("You connected!");
	Disconnect : function()
		alert("You disconnected!");
	ServerMessage: function(msg)
	UserSay : function(usr,msg)
		if(usr.Name=="Juntalis") {
			Bot.Say("You're awesome, Juntalis!");
	UserWhisper : function(usr,msg)
	UserJoin : function(usr)
	UserLeave : function(usr,reason)
	Input : function(msg)
At the moment, only UserSay and Connect work. The others should be done in the next few days. The next build after this will probably be a release copy, so you wont have all those debugging tools included.

If you want it, you can get it here:
Oh, apparently it's not auto-updating yet. Well, I'll announce whenever I put out new ones.