Original Post
ToriOlympics 2008 - Week 2 - ToriVaulting and ToriSwimming

Welcome to the ToriOlympics 2008, week 2!

We continue a bit with jumping. In this week, though, you can help with Uke!
This week has the first Multiplayer event!
This week lasts to 19th February.
Replays posted after 18th February won't count.


Jumping continues.
This is like ToriHighJumping, but you can help with Uke and there is no Aikido gravity.
The replays with highest jump will win the Gold, Silver and Bronze prizes.


Do not use mods.
Do not hack the replays.
Do not steal and edit other player's replays.
Do not spam and/or flame
(Yes, I mean you Jared.)
Do not dismember yourself while on ground before you jump or in air.
This is not throwing.
Three replays each person.
Do not dismember Tori with Uke.

Dismemberment: 1
Dismemberthreshold: 100


This event is done in Multiplayer.
There is a big Dojo, and you have to disqualify as fast as possible by going outside of the Dojo.
There is no inside Dojo disqualification.
This event will be done in Nabi server (15), Saturday 16th 1100 AM GMT.


Do not spam and/or flame.
This event lasts 60 minutes.
After 60 minutes, the three fastest players goes to the finals.
The player with two wins, wins.
It is not a win if your opponent is AFK or disconnected.
AFKs players will not be allowed to further compete in this event.
The max clients of the server is 25.
It is the discretion of the Officials as to allow disconnected players to continue in the competition.
If you spec halfway through a bout, it is poor sportsmanship and may result in a subsequent tourney ban.
Players competing after 20 minutes of the start are not allowed to compete.

Settings are not given out.

The prizes of this event are
Gold - Two textures of choice
Silver - One texture of choice
Bronze - 6 000 TC
Last edited by Tonakai; Feb 12, 2008 at 07:51 AM.
Good job every one. I don't think hector deserved 2nd place even though he sent it in on time since he did not read how I was then judging it and then yelled at us and demanded that he should get second, but what ever.

Edit:: Just got higher. Going to send to tonakai now.
Last edited by Patrick_Unrated; Feb 20, 2008 at 03:48 AM.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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