Originally Posted by Jire View Post
Don't get me started on this.. You can't concentrate your eating period to one even 8-hour period of the day. You would feel very well, if not too well, fed during the morning and throughout the day your energy level would rapidly lower from very high to very low- no, that is why you can't just eat one massive meal and not eat during the rest of the day at all, it just doesn't work.

It is possible to slow down the breakdown by removing enzymes (or just striping the human body of parts of organs) and hence it would be possible to do this.

Back to the question.
It has not been confirmed that it is impossible as we can find all nutrients and Amino acids, therefore we can extract all nutrients and Amino acids we need, it wouldn't be cost effective, but on the other hand this is a theoretical question.

Second source just lists what we mainly need to survive...
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
I think you wont be able to survive on just nutrients alone and you would need some form of solid for your body to break down or else your stomach acid would start eating your stomach lining because of an excess of enzymes

Vox Moderated Message:
Please provide a source to back up your claim that an excess of enzymes would cause the stomach to break down.
Last edited by Vox; Sep 15, 2011 at 01:02 PM.
Ok lets see... It's possible but it would take several years to poeple to accustom to change thier alimentary habits.

If your diet is bassed only on meal, candies, industrializated food w/e, And you prettend to change it to a healthy diet. your organism can suffer agitated alimentary changes, and that can cause injuries.

I recommend alot Water. and exercise.
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