Original Post
Join it and be rich!
Want to get TC fast,eazy and safely!?Then join us at the "Showdown"thread and have showdowns whith other players and win TC!!!Join a team!Make a team!Or be a lone wolf and challenge players!You tell us who you want to duel and we will take it from there! Come on! What are you waiting for?!Join now and get rich!!!
why is this here? Aw well i dont care, im going to get rich!

EDIT: !BLARG! Stupid parental controls blocking the stupid page...people need to swear less so I can get in
------------------------->TEH PARTY PAGE<--------------

hes aloud, its a great little thing they got there

Want to try something completely new to the Toribash Forums? Try the 10 Push-up Challenge!

we dont have to, but i put a post up in there, i am =)

Want to try something completely new to the Toribash Forums? Try the 10 Push-up Challenge!