Original Post
[eVo] Other Voices
The [eVo] Single Allies list or "Other Voices" consists of players through out Toribash that:

  • Played with us numerous times
  • Communicated to the Evolution members / know them well
  • Knows a good amount of Evolutions History

The individuals listed below are aloud to post & reply anywhere in our board and threads, each person can invade a thread or voice there opinions on if [eVo] should change anything (Thread format, themes, clan related art, clan events, etc), any poll/vote, discussion, debate....
If it's being discussed, you can voice your opinion on the matter. (Yes they matter)
If you have an idea for eVo, post it.

-Application located at bottom-

Single Allies

  1. 2blu
  2. Abbadon
  3. BlueBird
  4. BMTHownzz
  5. Brucia
  6. Colossus
  7. Course
  8. CrazyJoe
  9. DeathNoteX
  10. Couze
  11. Dad
  12. Diablo
  13. Doxxy
  14. Eloquence
  15. Erth
  16. Faint
  17. God
  18. Gradeger
  19. Hours
  20. Huck
  21. imapirate
  22. Inuyasha11
  23. K1ngK0ng
  24. Kickass
  25. Leonardo
  26. LoachFlava
  27. Magix
  28. Maldret
  29. Muur
  30. Organ
  31. Redtube
  32. Rfifan
  33. RKG
  34. rubber99
  35. Sentinel
  36. Slith
  37. snake
  38. SockeTe
  39. Walter
  40. Wiggi
  41. William
  42. Yiazmat
  43. Yiep
  44. Zoro


  • Respect all [eVo] Members
  • Respect the [eVo] Board
  • Respect our opinions as we respect yours
  • Don't spam
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If you wish to apply to be one of our "Other Voices" please fill out & reply with a detailed application located below.

How did you hear of [eVo]?:
How long have you known our Roster? (Members):
Why do you wish to be [eVo] "Other Voice":
Will you help spread the name of [eVo]:
Are you forum active?:

Last edited by Tripstone; Dec 16, 2012 at 08:18 AM.
Why do you want to be a Single Ally to eVo? because trip asked me too, and your guyses clan is where it's at.
How do you know us? i've tunneled through tripstone. also, your members are cool (my left hand just fell asleep oh dayum)
How long have you known us? since trip hatched from his egg.
Last edited by DropKick; Jun 10, 2011 at 10:33 AM.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Why do you want to be a Single Ally to eVo? Because tripstone is a very nice guy, and i want to know more about him. Asl? ;)
How do you know us? Clan alliance with Evil.
How long have you known us? Since forever. 1year and 6 months?
Proud Member Of [Evil]
Love Lempika For Making My Avatar and Signature
[21:27] <+siku> huge penis in War's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused?
[21:27] <+siku> penis gently sliding deeper in war's mouth
[21:27] <+siku> are you still confused
[21:27] <Xtreme> not anymore :D
Why do you want to be a Single Ally to eVo? The question is, why not?
How do you know us? I was passing by here...
How long have you known us? More than 2 years;p
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
Why do you want to be a Single Ally to eVo? because i'm a badass like that
How do you know us? i know you guys from playing Toribash for 4 years (and trip basically got me into my current clan )
How long have you known us? 3 years
You don't say?
Neb MOAR!!!
Your What Hurts? Ahh Thats too bad. I thought you were in pain.
TheDoc. says: You're retarded, -SmarterChild- says: Yeah, I guess I am retarded.

Why do you want to be a Single Ally to eVo?cause you guys are so cool...
How do you know us?i have seen you ingame...
How long have you known us?6 months...
Back on top
Why do you want to be a Single Ally to eVo?cuz this is an epic clan and im good with tripstone ;o
How do you know us?for quite a while,i know you since i was in evil so 1 year i belive?
can i has allie now?