Originally Posted by Demini View Post
neck was relaxed the whole time, gg replay is trash

So much hate to much peoples...
Jisse, its nice, i wish i could see more tricks besides corks
Free Style Sparrer
real CnC, it was pretty crappy, you seemed a bit too relaxed and you over extended your abbs and got into strange positions, the cork was okay, the set up was nice.
Run was sexy as fuck, so nice and laxed.
Liked the reverse hand thingy into the cork, it was generic but the way you were extremely relaxed made it look really nice.
I liked the flare kick you did on the second cork, made it seem less generic.
Transition into the flares and headspins was tight. That entire part was awesome.
Originally Posted by Demini View Post
real CnC, it was pretty crappy, you seemed a bit too relaxed and you over extended your abbs and got into strange positions, the cork was okay, the set up was nice.

What if I told you that was intended
Trying to spice tricking up a bit, most trickers are hella generic.

Thought the opener deserved a new try.

Also thanks for CnC
Attached Files
Jisse - Take the past away.rpl (301.2 KB, 107 views)
i do not have much insight to give on tricking replays, but i really liked whatever that was at 1130, plus that awesome transition at 1040. looks like a misleg but its a bit more unusual. had never seen that before
oh yeah
The rpl seems so familiar at the beginning with the overflip start, and the rest was pretty cool. I'm surprised that a lot of hard work can turn into something like this. I can pull off flips and corks in normal grav, but I can't even pass two steps in running. gg/10
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!
The opening flip thing and the first cork were hella generic but everything after that is simply gold.
That just looked sick, it wasn't even perfect; its not like the movement was perfect, but by god it looked amazing because it was different.
I loved it up until the dms, the movement was fluid but I was really hoping for a bigger hit and the back hand looked really weird, absolutely in love with how you got to uke though.
9/10 one of my favorite replays, if the hits were better, it would be my favorite.