For me. Shoulder and knee is the most important joint coz if u get it broken or cuted u fall like a sh-t or cant run..
just a fancy signature
they're all worthless without the help of eachother. if we're going for most useful combination of joints, i'd say wrist, shoulder and pec.
oh yeah
Well, I suppose people who plays different mods have a different opinion about how joint works.
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
Yeah but at least most joins are pretty predictable when frac'd they just act like relax'd, knee joints hyper extend, I mean you really can't use them for anything.
Neck, because you don't think you need it so you don't take any actions to prevent your head from dq'ing if the rest of your body works.
The thing about dq'ing your knee is that you can still kinda use it, if you make the knee bend forward and keep pressure on it, you can still use your leg to stand on.
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
to me, they are the whole of lower body, following what pusga said
It's almost impossible to chose, because you use each one in a different situation. Overall though, I find my chest is always doing something so I guess I find the chest one of the most important joints.
Originally Posted by dealornot View Post
Just want to ask you guys which joint of tori do you think is the most important and would help you a lot in your games.

I'll say is the Chest.

Wrists are the most important to me. I depend on those joints a lot.
I turned off the light at the end of the tunnel.
knee's and pecs are most important to me.. also a bit of the shoulder i guess, that helps so much depending on the mod i guess.
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