Original Post
[DM] Banner request (20k!)
Hello, [DM] Needs banners.

We want something original.


Kinda like these but:
1. The guy getting choked lifted off the ground.
2. Guy choking his opponent holding some spilling beer, looking at the screen.
3. Both tori's most likely blacked out.
4. epic background (You choose)
5. Full body shot (Like first) but guy that is CHOKING the opponent in a cool stance
6. It need tag [DM] clan name [Drunken Masters] and also the motto: "Everything is in slow motion"


A Split-kick to the stomach, blood and all.

References: Coming soon, with images and replays.

1. Tori kicking opponent needs to be holding beer.
2. Blacked out.
3. where the split is some light or electricity(Or anything)
4. Blood splat everywhere.
Last edited by JoboMan; Apr 10, 2011 at 01:32 AM.
I apologise for this post.
First of all Tej don't steal this from me >.< It's Urmybch1 btw Also I'll show you the pic which I will black out.

Is this what you want?
Attached Thumbnails
Pm me for help or anything
Oh.....Well lol I just made it (P.S. Just a WIP didn't put any effort to clean it up and such yet.)
Going to clean up the beer and the tori's and such
Attached Thumbnails
Drunken masters banner.jpg  
Pm me for help or anything
Try make it more relaxed, and better font, also dont show it in the "Attached" please post it as [IMG] thnx.
I apologise for this post.