Original Post
Can i suggest something on forum? or only ingame?
Hey guys, so i have many ideas for forum, and i am just asking, Can i suggest something in forum in Suggestions & Ideas?
Tell us what features you want in Toribash

Also, i am asking this because it says:
In Toribash means ingame i think, so i wanna know how can i suggest something for forum?
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This didn't help me enough, i still can't get it, Can i do it or not
Its not written in rules that i am able only to suggest ingame or both :/
I am Back :>
Feel free to pm me about any Art request.
The suggestions forum is to suggest anything u want to be added to anything that is related to toribash(anything nabi ownes)
so the answer is yes , you can suggest forumy things
INB4 14 days ban
Ok thank you scorp and Deuteria.
Also, you can go now see my suggestion xDD
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Feel free to pm me about any Art request.